Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Christmas Vacation

So, I made it back to Portland safely, and the overall trip was easy despite the snowy weather in Oregon. My outgoing flight was delayed only an hour, and there were not any complications coming back from Houston, so I lucked out.

The trip itself was your typical Christmas. I had the chance to visit with my loved ones, received some great DVDs, and I had the chance to relax a little bit. Not a bad trip at all. It was also good to be back in Texas, even if it was only for a few days.

The only downside of the trip is the fact that it was cloudy and rainy for most of the time while I was there. I swear I can never leave the rain to save my life. I think rainclouds just follow me around. It was also very humid in Houston, which isn't anything new, but it just reminded me how much I've gotten used to the weather up here in Portland.

Being in Houston also gave me something to think about, especially when it comes to my next big move. I realized that I really, really, really don't like the heat and humidity, which could rule out Houston (or any where on the Gulf Coast) as a possible destination. Combine this revelation with the fact that I really enjoyed the snow in Portland, and I think I have a better idea of where I might belong, i.e. somewhere that has sun but also gets cold and snowy with little to no humidity. Where could that be?

My trip home was good, and it was nice to see the family again, but I was really excited to be back in Portland. Part of me actually missed the cold and snow, and for the first time in a long time I referred to Portland as home...maybe that will factor in my next decision as well.

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