Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Snowball

So, apparently Portland's going to be buried under snow for the next couple of days. The storm really rolled in last Sunday, and it's been off and on, but it really came down today. We got like 8 inches.

I like snow well enough, but even I think I've hit my limit. It's not the snow that I mind; it's the being stuck in the apartment that is starting to get to me. Also, my hot water heater decided to spring a leak, so I had to deal with that. My apartment manager and I ripped up part of the carpet to avoid mold, and hopefully people will be by on Monday (assuming the city isn't shut down) to fix things up. It's kind of a bummer, but it could have been worse; it could have leaked while I was gone thus flooding my entire apartment. That's me, always looking at the bright side.

Back to the snow. It's been really beautiful seeing the entire city blanketed in snow, but I just wish the roads weren't so bad. Cabin fever's setting in, and I'm starting to freak out about my flight next week. Things are supposed to be slightly better on Tuesday (the day I fly out to Houston), but snow and ice are still in the forecast. We'll just have to wait and see. It has been a nice little preview for me though because I've always said I'd like to live in Colorado, and for some reason this is how I picture life in the Rockies.

So, sure it's been kinda boring being shut it, but I had the chance to watch Eureka: Season 1, had some hot soup, and I have a warm place to sleep. I really can't complain in the end.

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