Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Trip Down Memory Lane

So, I was flipping through the channels, and I came across VH1's "Behind the Music: New Kids on the Block", and I was compelled to catch the tail end of it. Now, I was never really a NKOTB fan growing up because I have a penis, but the show did get me thinking about my all-time favorite music group while I was growing up, Boyz II Men.

Now, I'll admit that I was a HUGE BIIM fan when I was younger. Some of my fondest memories can be linked to a Boyz II Men song. I remember buying CooleyHighHarmony and taking it to my fourth grade class to show it off. I remember performing "End of the Road" at a lip sync contest when I was in the sixth grade. I remember listening to II with my first girlfriend. To say that Boyz II Men had an impact on my adolescence would be an understatement. They were quiet simply, the best ever!

Unfortunately, I stopped paying attention to Boyz II Men after their Evolution album because I thought it was lackluster. I also remember when Shawn Stockman did his solo thing, and I was convinced that was the end of the group, so I moved on. It wasn't until I bought their greatest hits album, Legacy, that I realized that they had released three more albums.

Today, I can't say that I'm still a true fan since I stopped listening to their music religiously, but I still appreciate what they did and how they impacted the music world. They were responsible for some of the greatest music of the 90s like "End of the Road", "On Bended Knees", "Water Runs Dry", etc. Now that was some good shit.

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