Thursday, June 24, 2010

My iPhone 4 Second Thoughts

So, today is the big day when the new iPhone 4 officially releases, and based on some feedback online, the honeymoon might already be over. Sites like and are exposing some pretty big problems that are plaguing Apple's shiny new toy. Apparently, just holding the phone will cause you to lose connectivity. Wow.

Now, I wasn't one of those who just had to pre-order an iPhone 4 last week, and there's no way in hell I'd wait in a long-ass line for hours on end for a new phone, so I'm not really impacted as of right now, but I am starting to have second thoughts about buying one.

I've had my first-gen iPhone for close to three years now, but even then I bought mine a few months after the initial release. I was planning on doing the same with the iPhone 4 because new technologies like this are bound to have some bugs to work out, but these problems seem like biggies. I doubt Apple will be able to fix the glitches over the next couple of months, so I don't know when will be a good time to buy a new iPhone.

Unfortunately, I'm antsy and I've been planning on getting  new phone for sometime now. The iPhone 4 hiccups are making me rethink if it is the right phone for me. I don't know enough about Android phones, but the new HTC Evo 4G is a hot item, and most of the feedback has been positive (although most of those bragging about the Evo are bashing the iPhone 4). I don't know if I want to go back to Sprint (I never had issues with their service in the past), but I'm not too confident about the iPhone. The thing is, these problems might only be found on a few handsets, and my hesitance maybe unfounded, but I can't justify dropping a massive amount of cash on a product that has these kinds of issues.

On the other hand, I'm too pot-committed to Apple and the iPhone. I'm used to the phone's infrastructure and the way it works. I have too many songs, videos, apps, etc. that are iPhone specific and having to re-buy or convert them is a hassle I'd like to avoid, but so is having a phone that cannot make actual calls.

Really, I just need to be patient, let Apple fix the problems with the iPhone 4, and buy a new one once the major issues are ironed out. Until then, I might just check out some of the newer smartphones, so I can make an informed decisions. A little flirting never hurt anyone...

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