Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Acceptance

I've always fancied myself a writer, although I've gotten out of the habit, and I had aspirations of earning a living with my words.  As time has gone by, it's become apparent that the dream is never going to get off of the ground, and now I'm starting to think that it's time for me to come to terms with this insight.

Hell, I struggle with coming up with interesting things to write about on this blog, and I don't even have an audience.  I can usually spout of some random comments about a TV show that I watch, or my knee jerk reactions to a movie I've seen, but I rarely crank out anything of significance on my blogs, and I can't help but feel like a failure.  Then again, I've never thought of myself as a real blogger.  I'm just some dude that jots down random thoughts, so I guess I could cut myself a break.

The crazy thing is, I used to think, "One day I'm going to do it. I'm going to be a writer, and I'm going to write a movie that wins Best Picture, and everything I'm doing now is temporary".  The realization is staring to hit me that my life right now is not temporary, and this is probably it.  Unfortunately, I've spent too much time sitting around thinking about what could have been instead of focusing on what is at hand.  I kind of feel like things have passed me by.  Whoopsie.

Then it just dawned on me that I'm still somewhat young, and I still have a lot of living to do.  Maybe I will write something significant one day, or maybe I'll end up exactly where I need to be and doing exactly what I'm meant to do.  All I can really do is accept the fact that this is life, and I need to do more time enjoying it.


yeah108 said...

I've got plenty of short stories, ideas scribbled in notebooks and half finished projects that you're welcome to have and spin. I'll even lend you my screenwriting book and hook you up with Final Draft :)


Marcos said...

I have enough of my own short stories, ideas, and half finished projects, but I wouldn't mind Final Draft though.