Sunday, May 2, 2010

My New Hobby: Cooking

For the longest time I've been meaning to pick up cooking, but I've always find reasons not to. I keep convincing myself that it's too expensive to cook at home, I'm too busy to shop for and fix meals, it's too much of a hassle to cook just for myself, and so forth and so on.

Obviously, all of my excuses are full of crap because they really don't hold much weight (with the exception of the cost argument, but if you cook right it should be that much more expensive), and I'm tired of making them. The thing is, there really isn't anything stopping me from picking up how to cook except for my laziness, and I do like to cook, so I just need to find the motivation to do so.

Over the weekend, I picked up some food magazines and nutrition guides to convince me to bust out of my rut and start cooking more. I know that it's a small step, but it's a start. With May just starting, my goal is to spend more time in the kitchen, and less time wasting money on food that's not good for me to begin with. Plus, it'll be good to have a few stand by recipes in my back pocket just in case I do meet a nice, young lady. Chick's dig a man that can cook...and puppies.

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