Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Reason for Blogging

About a month ago, I wrote an entry about how I've come down with a case of writer's block when it comes to blogging about my personal life. I wrote about how I wanted to keep this blog as angst-free as possible, but I ultimately end up writing about the same subjects over and over again.

Recently, I've been trying to read other blogs for inspiration, and it started to become clear that the blogs that get the most attention tend to have a purpose behind them. Some people want to share all of the relationship ups and downs while others wax poetically about the world around them. Others like to share funny anecdotes about life, and so forth and so on. I also started to notice that some people take their blogs seriously, and they plot out and develop specific posts for specific reasons. After thinking about it, I realized that my blog really doesn't have a purpose or a direction.

I've never claimed to be a real blogger, and it shows after reading what others are putting out there. I started out blogging because I thought it'd be neat to share random thoughts that came to me or if something really interesting happened to me. For me blogging has always been a stream of consciousness medium where things just kind of come out. I've never really sat down and tried to come up with a thought provoking post much less write up a draft. Usually, I just sit down and start typing away.

Now, I could try to be cool and take the approach that I blog for me, and I don't care if others get what I'm trying to say, but that'd be a total lie. If I didn't want my blog to say something to others, then this would be a private journal. The thing is, I don't know what I want it to say.

I still don't think my life is interesting enough to share with the entire world, but if I don't then I have nothing to write about. I could spend countless hours writing about how many times I've missed out on love or about the one that got away, but I don't want to be that guy. Maybe I should just focus all of my time and energy on my entertainment blog since I always have something to write for that one, but there has to be more to life than TV and movies. I want what I write to matter...I just need to figure out to whom.

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