Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Writer's Block

One of my goals is to keep my blog interesting even if only a handful of people might read it, and I try to keep it as angst-free as possible, but it seems like all I can write about is what I haven't done with my life, the ones that got away, or where I'd rather be than here. I guess that's a fail on my part.

The crazy thing is, I have no problem coming up with things to write about for my entertainment blog, but for some reason my personal thoughts are too few and far between. I just cannot think of topics to write about that don't involve the life I could be living...I want to share the journey I'm on now, but for some reason it's not that interesting.

If someone is reading this post, and can think of an interesting topic for me to go on and on about, please share because I need to changes things up for a bit.


Beautifully Simple said...

Most often than not, the opinion that the life we lead is boring, is just our own opinion. It usually isn't an opinion that is shared by all.

Just keep writing. you shouldn't be pressured to keep this blog entertaining for anyone... and that includes yourself.

this list of accomplishments sounds very interesting.... just saying..

Marcos said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement.