Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Two-Cents on the Jon & Kate Train Wreck

I'll admit it, I was sucked back in and watched tonight's episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 to see if Kate could redeem herself. Of course, I was let down.

Jon manned up, as much as he could, and admitted he made some stupid decisions, and apologized for them.

Kate, on the other hand, did what she does best and that's play the victim. She's quick to point out that she's not perfect, but the last to admit that she's at fault for anything. Not once did she acknowledge that she might be a tiny bit responsible for this train wreck, and that's what's sadder than anything.

What gets me more than anything is they claim they want to do what is best for their kids, and it's obvious that this show is not it, yet here we are discussing the season premiere.

If they really cared at all about their kids, the show wouldn't be on. People say they're doing it to provide their children a lifestyle, but it's far from a normal one, and I'm sure any regular parent wouldn't sacrifice their kids' normal childhood for swag and a media blitz. How healthy is it going to be for these kids when they can watch the destruction of their family on YouTube? I doubt the million dollar homes and free stuff is going to be make up for the therapy and heartache that the show is going to cause these kids.

Unfortunately, Kate wants the spotlight just to complain about it, and those who defend her, just watch the end of last season. Jon wanted out, but she got her way. Where's the partnership? Where's the compromise? Who is really to blame?

I was hoping that some progress had been made, but it's clear that the theme of this season is going to be marital strife and unhappiness, so I'm done with this show once and for all. I hope things work out for them in the end, but we'll just have to see if season 6 is on the way.

Plus, I'm sure Kate got rid of her cute helper, Jenny, because she was stealing some of the spotlight, so that's another reason to not watch this show anymore.

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