Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Two-Cents on Glee

Last night, I watched the pilot episode of FOX's new musical dramedy, Glee, and while it wasn't the greatest first episode ever, it sure did make me want to watch it this fall...and it also put Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" in my head, and it won't get out.

Check out some videos from Hulu:

On the surface it looks like a cheesy high school show about kids singing, and that's exactly what it is, but that's why it works for me. Sure, it has all of the high school cliches, but it's hard not to get into the show when the music gets going.

Glee is not going to be the world's greatest TV program, but it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, and that's what TV needs nowadays. Glee doesn't focus on dead bodies, or hot people jumping in the sack with one another (not yet at least), but it's about kids figuring out who they are, and daring to be a part something greater than themselves. Now, that's good TV.

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