Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Hopelessly Romantic Side

I was convinced after season 4 that JD and Elliot were done for good and I was OK with that, but after last season I warmed up to the idea of them getting back together. Needless to say, last night's second episode was a good one in my book.

I know there are a lot of people who are against JD & Elliot Part IV, but to be honest they've never had the chance to be a couple. I think the show did a good job at letting them put everything on the table so they could avoid making the same mistakes. Plus, the way they quietly got back together while they were walking by themselves was picture perfect. Maybe, just maybe, this time is for real.

If it's not then I might have to stop watching the show because I can't take another "on again off again" situation. You have them together, so keep them together for goodness sake!

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