Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Summer

Even though it is late September, my summer is finally coming to an end. On Monday, classes start up again, and I am not looking forward to it. Part of my hesitance is because I don't like sitting in boring classes, but another reason is because I'm not ready for summer to be over especially since I didn't get to do anything that I wanted to do.

I had a relatively short to-do list for this summer, and unfortunately I didn't cross much off of it. For example, I wanted to hit the Oregon coast. One of the benefits of living in Portland is you live in a metropolitan area, but are really close to the ocean and mountains. Last summer, I had the chance to go to the coast and I remembered how much I like being around water (something I realized while in Ireland). Sadly, I didn't have the chance to re-visit the beach, and I don't know if I'll have the chance to go back before I leave Oregon. Ah well.

Also, I really wanted to head up to Seattle for a Mariners game. I had all summer to put together a trip, but I waited until the last series of the season, and didn't ask anyone to go until the day before the game. The planning was a little short-sighted to say the least. Now, I'm not a huge Mariners fan (especially this season), but I do love baseball, and since I can't go to any Astros games this summer, Seattle's my only option. The good thing is, I'll should have a chance to go to a game next season.

Luckily, I did have the chance to head back to Texas for a quick visit, and it was much needed after 8 weeks of summer school. Living so far away is starting to take its toll on me because I don't get to see my family as much as I'd like. I'm lucky if I'm back in Texas every six to seven months, which is OK but not great. My trip back to Midland will hold me over until I go back in December, and then I'll be heading back for good in June (maybe???), so I'll be back home before I know it.

Overall, it wasn't a wasted summer but I do wish I accomplished more. Then again, I was able to cross some classes off of my list, which will make this school year a little more manageable. At least I won't have to sit through as many boring classes this time around.

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