Friday, July 31, 2009

My Waiting Game Continues

In the last couple of months I've submitted resumes to six different universities in regards to seven different jobs, and I've only received feedback twice. This job hunt is starting to get to me because I feel like I'm running out of time since schools are going to be getting back in the swing of things in less than a month. My parents keep telling me to stay positive, and while appreciate their support and encouragement, it's getting harder and harder to do so, but I'm trying.

I did have a job interview a few weeks ago, but the director called me on Monday to inform me about a different job opening at the same school. This new position would be a better fit, so I had to decide if I wanted to remain in contention for the original job, or focus my attention on this new one. I kept going back and forth because even though I'd probably be better at the second job, I didn't want to let go of a potential job since other schools aren't exactly clamouring for my services. In the end, I decided to remove myself from contention in favor of seeing what my chances are at the new position. It wasn't an easy decision, but I feel that it was the right one. This is how Brett Favre must have felt like.

There's also a small glimmer of hope when it comes to another position that I applied for at St. Edward's University in Austin. Today, I received a letter from the school, and I immediately thought it was a rejection letter. It turned out to be a letter thanking me for applying, and explaining that they will be contacting applicants over the next few weeks. So, I feel that this is a good sign that tells me that I at least still have a shot, but as always I'm going to have to wait and see.

So, I guess things aren't as doom and gloom as I may have originally thought, but it's getting harder and harder to keep the optimism up as time goes by. I just want to know where I stand and what I'm going to be doing, but I do have a backup plan in mind just in case. Actually, it's an idea about a potential backup plan. I just hope I don't have to use it.

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