Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Top 5 Places I Want to Live

Being back home and conducting a job hunt has me thinking about where I want to end up if I had the choice. This post is similar to one that I put up here a while back, but with a few changes.

1. San Francisco, CA
I had the chance to drive the entire state of California on my way back from Portland, and I took this opportunity to check out some potential new homes. The first stop was in San Francisco, and I fell in love with the place after only two days. Sometimes you just get the feeling that you belong somewhere, and that's what I felt in SF. Now, we'll have to see if I have a reason to move there once and for all.

2. Austin, TX
Living up in Portland changed me in a good way. I feel that I'm more open minded, and even more laid back than before. This change in attitude has me warming up to the idea of living in Austin, and again I feel that living here would be more natural than any other city in Texas.

3. Boulder, CO
A part of me has always wanted to live in Colorado, and Boulder seems to be the right fit (although Colorado Springs has always piqued my interest as well). Unfortunately, finding a job at CU is a daunting task because they seem to be in short supply. I also don't know how I'd handle the snow, but I'm in love with the idea of lots of sunshine.

4. San Diego, CA
Another stop on my journey home was San Diego, and to be honest it wasn't what I was expecting. To be fair, I don't think I had an accurate image of SD in my head, so I doubt it could have lived up to the standard I had set for it. I still enjoyed my time there, and the coast was amazing, but San Diego just didn't strike the same chord with me that San Francisco did.

5. Houston, TX
The main reason Houston makes this list is because me sister and her family live there, and I wouldn't be surprised if all of my family end up near Houston and San Antonio. I'd make the move to Houston because it'd be nice to be close to them. Sure, Houston is too big and humid, but having loved ones close by does have its perks.

Of course, I'm fully aware that where I end up is heavily dependent on the job market, but it's fun to dream every once in a while.

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