Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Last Week

It's officially my last week in Oregon, and it's going to be a busy one.

My parents left on Sunday, and I spent the rest of the day recooperating. It was awesome having them in Portland, but I was ready to have my place back to myself. After an epic nap, I started packing up the rest of my apartment.

Took the day off, which was nice because it was a beautiful day in Portland. I'm going to miss the summers up here in the Northwest.

Dropped off some things at Goodwill and then I met up with my friend Sarah. We ate lunch in Canby before heading over to Multnomah Falls. I lived here for close to four years, and never saw the falls until my last week. Go figure. After Multnomah, we went to the Bonneville Dam and checked out the Fish Ladder. We wrapped up the day by grabbing some bubble tea in Hawthorne. It was pretty much the day that rocked my face off!

It was a pretty busy day. Took my car in to get a once over, had my apartment inspected, and spent a great night out with friends. Of course, I had to have one last visit to the Shanghai Tunnel, so I met up with Duty, Max, and Gary. Drank some beers, shared some laughs, inappropriately grabbed each other (well, one of us did anyway). It was a pretty great night. Oh yeah, and I got a second phone interview with the University of Hawaii. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Pretty lowkey day. I dropped some more stuff off at Goodwill, grabbed some lunch, and prepared for my second phone interview with UH. The interview went relatively well, and now we'll just have to see what happens next. Also, a friend convinced me to watch The Hangover. I was originally reluctant to see this movie because the trailer didn't look funny, plus it's been raved about since it came out. I do have to admit that I found it funny, so I was wrong. I can admit it.

Another lowkey day despite being in full clean-up and packing mode. I did have the chance to have dinner at Pambiche with my friend Andreen, so that was a good way to end the week.

More cleaning, and more packing. I did get the chance to see Up with Charisse, and we had dinner Zao Noodle Bar. Another chill night, and a good way to wrap up my time in the Pacific Northwest.

Last ditch cleaning and packing effort, and I was off. The day was so hectic that I didn't even have the chance to process the fact that I was leaving Portland, possibly forever.

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