Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Journey Is Complete...Almost

Thursday night I gave my last presentation as a graduate student at Portland State University, and while many people told me that I did a great job, I'm hesitant to be overly eager to celebrate because I know that there's still the tiny chance that I might not pass. I just hate patting myself on the back before I have a reason to.

Now, I'm fairly confident that I will be earning my masters degree in education, and I will have a reason to be excited, but I'm also still trying to figure out what is next.

Six months ago, I wrote an entry about how I had no idea what my future holds, and the same is true today. Usually, I love change and not knowing what's down the road, but for some reason I'm not so carefree, and I just hope that this degree will pay off sooner than later.

All I know for sure is I'll be leaving Oregon before the end of the month. After that, a whole new journey begins.

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