Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Scrubs Farewell...Maybe

Apparently, Scrubs is the show that will not die. My love for this show has never been a secret, but I agree that it's time for it to bow out gracefully. Season 8 was a gift, and we should be happy it had the chance to leave on its own terms.

Then again, I can't say that I wouldn't watch season 9 or a possible spin-off. I'm liking some of the new interns (Sunny & Denise in particular), and I'd be mildly interested in seeing a show about them.

The biggest selling point for me though rests on Johnny C & Donald because they'd have to be regulars since they're the Chief of Medicine and the Chief of Surgery. It'd be weird to have two higher ups gone from the hospital all of the time.

And whose to say they can't bring in some new doctors to mix things up. I know this is a pipe dream, but what if they brought in Alexis Bledel (who proved she can do the doctor thing in addition to comedy) as a new attending. I'd be all over that show, especially if Sarah Chalke sticks around.

I've also read that another season of Scrubs might give Better Off Ted a stronger chance at renewal, and that would be awesome, but the show's time has come...

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