Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Job Hunt - Update 2

The end of my masters education is getting closer and closer, and I haven't really started to sweat it just yet (despite the fact that I haven't started working on my final paper), but the job search is getting pretty slim.

I applied for a job at the University of Hawaii, and I was able to get a phone interview. It went well for the most part, and now I'll just have to wait and see. The idea of living in Hawaii is exciting, but it has drawbacks too. It's really expensive to live on the islands, and it would be so far away from home.

I also applied for two jobs in San Diego, one at the University of San Diego and one at the University of California at San Diego. Unfortunately, both of the jobs fell through, which sucks because living in San Diego would have trumped living in Hawaii.

The other night I came across an orientation at Texas State, and I couldn't help but get excited. I've always wanted to get back into orientation, and San Marcos is close enough to both Austin and San Antonio, so it sounds perfect...too perfect. Of course I applied for the job, but I'm not letting myself get too worked up because I don't want the potential rejection to sting too much.

So, that's where I'm at. I have a little over a month left to go before I officially become over educated and unemployed. Yippie!

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