Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Luck of the Irish

It's hard to believe that it's been 4 years since I spent St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. My good friend Kelly decided to leave Portland to be with her then fiance (now hubby) in Ireland. While I knew that I was going to miss her, I totally understood. Plus it gave me a reason to visit her.

I remember my friend Adam and I were sitting in a PDX bar, and I said how I wanted to head over the Ireland for Spring Break to visit Kelly, asked if he was interested in joining. The next thing I knew we were booking flights to Dublin. Pretty sweet.

Spending a week in Ireland, and celebrating St. Patty's Day over there, was one of those wonderful times in my life that I'll never forget. Especially, since I had the chance to have this awesome experience with some of my favorite people in the world. We all grown up (well Kelly and Adam have at least), moved on to new adventures, but we'll always have Ireland.

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