Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Belief in Change

Here we are on the eve of one of the most important days in modern American political history. Hopefully, by the end of tomorrow night we'll know who the next President of the United States is. Personally, I'm hoping that it is Senator Obama, but I hope that every American who can vote gets out (if they already haven't) to cast their ballot for whomever they see fit. I don't care if it's for Sen. McCain, Sen. Obama, Ralph Nader, or one of the other candidates...just do it already.

I've been an open Obama supporter because I believe that he is the right person for the job. I believe that he's ready to lead us towards a better United States. I know some people agree with me, and some don't, and I'm cool with you either way. I respect Sen. McCain for everything he's done for this country, and he's put up one helluva fight regardless of the outcome. Either way, we cannot forget how lucky we are to be Americans. Sure, the U.S. is broken right now, but I cannot imagine living anywhere else.

Be grateful for what we have as a country and show your gratitude by getting out and voting tomorrow.

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